Fernando Mota: Celeiro e Lagar da Quinta de Serralves 15 MAY 2024 - 30 SET 2024

CORPO | uma topografia sonora (BODY | a sound topography) is an installation that crosses and combines different materials and sounds from the animal, plant and mineral worlds to create sound sculptures that are played by the audience. Developed from natural materials retrieved from Serralves Park, the installation functions as a whole, albeit divided into three distinct parts, each representing a scenic space in which the spectator is the protagonist. Some elements only truly manifest themselves through the spectator’s actions. “I know, words have other meanings, but when I say body, I mean the cosmos” Alberto Carneiro BODY | a sound topography is above all a work of listening. Before it manifested itself as a movement and creation, it knew how to be a conversation with the gardeners and other staff members of Serralves Park. Over the course of several artistic residencies in the Park, materials from cuttings and prunings were chosen in order to create the installation’s objects, sounds and images — ranging from the concrete to the dreamlike and symbolic. “There is no opposition between the living and the non-living. Every living being is not only in continuity with the non-living, but it is its extension, its metamorphosis, its most extreme expression. Life is always the reincarnation of the non-living, the bricolage of the mineral, the carnival of the planet’s telluric substance.” in Metamorphoses, by Emanuele Coccia BODY | a sound topography is about how the atoms in our bodies derive from distant stars, and from the bodies of extinct animals and unknown plants. We are made of the earth that we call a planet. Our bodies will be part of other existences that haven’t yet emerged, but are already part of our own. “BODY” is a poetic game that renders matter audible and vibration visible. Trees with a woman’s voice, roots with a heartbeat, branches that whisper words in our ears.

"Eu sei, as palavras tecem ainda outros significados, mas, quando digo corpo, quero significar o cosmos"

Alberto Carneiro

"Não há oposição entre o vivo e o não vivo. Todo o ser vivo não apenas está em continuidade com o não vivo, mas ele é seu prolongamento, sua metamorfose, sua expressão mais extrema. A vida é sempre a reencarnação do não vivo, a bricolagem do mineral, o carnaval da substância telúrica do planeta"

in Metamorfoses, de Emanuele Coccia